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After buying an old mockup of a ship called "The Alicorn", Twilight Sparkle and her dog Spike will live a great adventure that will take them around the world, in search of one of the greatest treasures in history.

Based on the video game from the movie "The Secret of the Unicorn" by "Tintin"

Chapters (5)

Investigating primitive radio transmissions detected on a long-range Federation listening post, the Enterprise investigates a planet far in the unexplored border space of the Alpha Quadrant. There, they discover a primitive planet just starting its industrial revolution--a planet complete with extensive lunar colonization and in the process of launching its first warp-capable ship.

The failure of the alien ship initiates first contact--with a race of adorable talking horses. A first contact with some unique diplomatic idiosyncrasies--and hints of a more sinister plot behind the warp-vessel's destruction.

Chapters (35)

With Spike having become an adult, Canterlot now plays host to dozens of mares from the the Crystal Empire set on attracting his attention. Rarity, faced with the prospect of having real potential competition for Spike's heart, is forced to confront her own long-developing feelings for Spike, and the question as to whether Spike still feels the same way about her. Meanwhile, Spike decides that the time has finally come for him to tell Rarity how he's felt about her and finally put the question of their relationship to rest, one way or another.

With both ready to confront their feelings towards each other, the question becomes, what could possibly go wrong?

Note: This story is part of the Guarded Emotions continuity.

Edit: Featured as of 2/1, Thank you guys so much!

Chapters (8)

Zenith would give anything to find her lost sister Nadir, who vanished in the depths of space long ago. And now, after decades of suspended animation, she has finally located Nadir on a strange planet haunted by alien ruins, far outside known space.

It's lonely out there, but Zenith has company – six personalities simulated by her ship's AI. And she'll need every ounce of help Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and the others can offer, for Lapis is a more mysterious, and dangerous, planet than she could ever have imagined.

Updated every-other day until Jan. 6.

An entry for Bicyclette's Science Fiction Contest.

Chapters (5)

WARNING: There are major spoilers in the comment section. You have been warned!

On the night of Christmas Eve, the CMCs are having a sleepover, talking about what to post next as "Anon-a-Miss". Sweetie Belle is getting worried about Sunset, but Apple Bloom and Scootaloo ignored her worries and told her that Sunset will be fine.

But later that night, they were shocked when they were visited by the ghosts of Apple Bloom's parents, who express their disappointment in them and wanting Apple Bloom to confess to being Anon-a-Miss and make things right. When Apple Bloom refuses to do so, her parents then warned the girls that they will be visited by three ghosts later tonight. Apple Bloom brushes this off, thinking her parents were just joking, only to find that they weren't the next time they woke up.

Based on a classic Charles Dickens' story, "A Christmas Carol".

Story Idea by SweetTeaFiend. Thanks again for granting me permission to post this story! :pinkiesmile:

Special thanks to MLPSolarDash1907 for proofreading this story! :twilightsmile:

Cover art designed by me.

Note: This story is already planned and written. New chapters will be posted between the 20th - 24th of December.

FEATURED: 12/20 - 12/22/21 - Thank you all so much! :twilightsmile:

This story now has a Tv Tropes page! :pinkiehappy:

Chapters (7)

A story of how Sunset comes to terms with what she did in the past.

Continuity: Struggles

Rated T for discussions and scenes of profanity, violence and suicide/self harm.

While it is not important to read my OC's story, Violet Times, I highly recommend that you do as there are a few spoilers in this story.

If you like my stories, please consider joining me on my Patreon or alternatively, you could buy me a Ko-Fi

Chapters (10)

Cover art by Little Tigress!

It's the start of the holiday season, and Crystal City Institute of Technology freshman Twilight Sparkle is eagerly anticipating her reunion date with her long-distance girlfriend Sunset Shimmer, who's spending two nights at her dorm before they join their old friends at Canterlot. But as they visit Crystal City's famous winter light festival together, Sunset can't help but notice Twilight's a little uncomfortable talking about campus life; can she bring her friend-turned-lover some Christmas cheer?

Read on for a Sciset (aka Sunlight) holiday date filled with fluff, angst, cuteness, humor, more angst, comfort and charm! And, if you stick around long enough, you can learn about a sore spot in the production history of the human world's version of Daring Do!

Revised 27 November 2022!

This is my first real shipfic and something I’ve been incredibly excited to write. A spiritual sequel to my previous fic "Late-Night Conversations" (which is in the same continuity, along with its direct sequel, but isn't necessary to understand this story). OC tag refers to a minor character, Twilight's college roommate.

Chapters (6)

Friendship and relationships are complicated, but falling in love with your best friends should be easy right? You just start to cuddle and kiss and say ‘I love you’.

But, sometimes, you forget an important step to a relationship.

Like a first date.

Written for the amazing Wishcometrue!

now I finally have my revenge for the masterpiece that is With The Thought of Us muahahaha

Thanks so much for everyone who read this and helped edit, y’all are amazing.

This story will be updated daily until it’s complete

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Bulletproof Heart

Rarity Belle arrives at the small Eastline town of Little Longhorn. It was supposed to be a quick visit: deliver a package, maybe stay the night, move on.

Instead she finds souls in desperate need. The soul of a mare. The soul of an entire community. Little Longhorn is plagued by the ghosts of heroes, the cinders of battle, and the ever-looming threat of retribution. Perhaps a visit from the Bulletproof Heart is exactly what this town needs.

She can start with the local teacher.

A re-introduction of the Bulletproof Heart, set half a year after the conclusion of the original story. While this does hint at some past events, it is intended to serve as a potential entry point for new readers. May serve as the beginning of a new series of tales in the BPH universe.

My thanks to all the pre-readers: Babroniedad, SorenPixels, Merc the Jerk, Ghost Mike, Wanderer D, and Soge

Cover art commissioned from bakki. Text by me.

Chapters (6)

It's been a short while since the girls returned from Camp Everfree. Sunset is glad Twilight never saw anything more than a schoolgirl's crush in Timber, because she has her eyes on the young girl's heart.

EDIT: 17/08/2023
This story has been rewritten in it's entirety. The original was fine but heavily flawed, I've since improved. At least I hope so. :P

Chapters (5)